Half-Life Sprite Maker v1.00 Beta ================================= Written by David Flor (a.k.a. Nighthawk) (c) 1999, Mach III Enterprises EMail: dflor@mach3.com Site: http://www.planethalflife.com/mach3/ Release Notes: ============== Considering I didn't bother with all the effort of making a full-blown editing program, this was another easy task. Version History: ================ V1.00: ====== The first version, hopefully to stifle the mass requests... - The application isn't really smart about the bitmap color tables, so it uses the palette of the FIRST bitmap in the list. - Bitmaps must be 8-bit; I'm not even going to think about a 24 to 8 bit indexing scheme yet! - The filename is in the same format as created with the "SprView" application: the name, then a zero padded three digit sequential number. Any gaps in the numbering sequence and the program assumes its done. Usage: ====== At the MS-DOS command line (some people do still remember what DOS looks like, right?): sprmake.exe <-t 0-4> filename -t: Transparency method 0: Normal (default) 1: Additive (full color texture, to be blended with additive transparency) 2: Index Alpha (full color, palette index is alpha) 3: Alpha Test (full color, 255 is a "hole"... ask Valve what that means!) : Base filename of sequentially numbered BMP files Output sprite name will be base filename with ".SPR" extension, in the same directory as the source. Comments / Suggestions: ======================= Send EMails to "dflor@mach3.com" Also, visit Mach III, the Mecca of Half-Life Development at "http://www.planethalflife.com/mach3/" Donations: ========== I'm not asking for money, but if you like the product and are feeling particularly generous, send any donations of any amount to: Mach III Enterprises 8107 S.W. 72nd Avenue, Suite 313E Miami, Florida 33143 Tnx & Rgds... David Flor, aka Nighthawk Mach III Enterprises